Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Kumpulan soal-soal kelas VII

I.    Read the text carefully

               In order to have a good health, we must keep our bodies away from diseases. However, it is not always easy to avoid an ailment. An illness may be caused by various reasons, such as lack of vitamins and nutrition. A bad environment may also cause a certain disease. A serious pollution in big cities may be one of the reasons of a certain ailment. Viruses and germs may also cause various diseases.
We can use the following tips to keep our bodies away from an illness. We should have good food and drink, enough sleep and physical exercises. We should always make our environment clean. We should always remember that flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other animals such as cats and dogs may be disease carries.
A.    Answer the question based on the text.
1.      The first paragraph talks    about …
a.       Tips to avoid  an illness          
b.      Various reasons causing many kinds of diseases
c.       Clean environment
d.      Many kinds of illness
2.      These are many reasons which cause many kinds of illness, except …
a. Lack of vitamins and nutrition              c. viruses and germ
  b. serious pollution                                   d. physical exercises
3.      What should we do to keep away from the dirty animals?
  a. Have enough food and drink c. Carry many kinds of animals
  b. Make our environment clean   d. Have enough physical   exercises
4.      What is the best title of the text ?
a.    A healthy life                          c. A Good life
b.   A Good Health                       d. A Good way of health

II.    Read the text carefully
Everyone needs a balanced diet for a healthy life. Some people think a balanced diet is just different kinds of foods. This may be true. But the most important thing is to eat food that supplies the body with many nutrients. This means we should eat food that provide us with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.
Besides that, they must contain fiber and water to keep us healthy. Most people agree that the best diet contains large amounts of fresh food. A healthy diet should contain fresh, raw fruit and fresh vegetables. Fresh meat, fish  poultry, and grain should make a complete diet.
B.     Answer the question based on the text.
5.      What is the passage above about?
a. fresh food                                c. a balanced diet
b. meats, fish and poultry            d. nutrients for the body
6.      Which of the statements is the main  idea of the passage above?
a. A healthy diet should contain fresh,   raw fruit and fresh vegetables
                    b. Fresh meat, fish or poultry, and   grains should make a complete diet
 c. Besides that, they must contain  fiber and water to keep us healthy
d. Everyone needs a balanced diet for a healthy life
7.      “…that supplies the body with many nutrients”. The underlined word can be
            replaced with …
  a. take                                         c. produce
  b. provide                                  d. make
8.      To eat food that supplies the body with many nutrients, the underlined words means that we should eat food that provide us with ………
a.    Carbohydrates and proteins 
b. Raw fruit and fresh vegetables
        c. Minerals, and vitamins.
         d. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.
9.      What is the best title of the text ?
c.    A healthy life                          c. A Good life
d.   A Good Health                       d. A balanced diet
10.  What is the aim of the text above ?
a.    To entertain the reader           
b.   To inform the importance of A balanced diet
c.    To tell about the importance of a balanced diet
d.   To tell a balanced diet in a specific way
11.  Rio   : Which is more interesting, the Safari Park or Ragunan Zoo?
Daud: I think Ragunan Zoo is … as   the Safari Park. Both of them              have many good things to see.
a.       more interesting                      c. the most interesting
b.      less interesting                         d. as interesting
12.  Ani      : Do you prefer traveling by train  or by plane?
Ita        : I prefer traveling by train.
Ani      : Why?
Ita        : Buying the train’s ticket needs …money than the plane’s ticket.
a.       Few                                         c. fewer
b.      Less                                         d. little
13.  Look at the table below!

Going to the library









13. Esti is  …………… than  yani to go to the library
a.       Many                                       c. more
b.      Much                                       d. Less
14.  How often does Sendy go to the library during the week?
a. once in a week                         c. three times in a week
b. twice in a week                        d. four times in a week
15.  From the table above we  know that Yani …. goes to the library.
a. Always                          c. usually
      b. Seldom                          d. often
16.  . How many persons always go to the library from Monday to Saturday?
                               a. One              b. two                    c. three     d. four
  I.           Read the text careful
      The visit to the museum will take place on Wednesday, 26 of May. The bus leaves school at 8.30, and those who want to go must be on time. The visit will last the whole day, and we expect to get back at about 6.30 in the evening
        The visit to the museum will take place on Wednesday, 26th of May. The bus leaves school at 8.30, and those who want to go must be on time. The visit will last the whole day, and we expect to get back at about 6.30 in the evening.
1.      Where is the destination of the visit?
              a. School                               c. Museum
              b. Bus                                    d. Special building
2.      The visit will last the whole day”. The underlined word means …
              a. continue        b. take          c. happen                                 d. lie
3.      Those who want to go must be on time. Those  in this sentence refers to…
a.       The Teacher                 c. The  Participants
b.      The students                d. The student and the  teachers
II.             Read the text carefully !
      Lions and tigers prey on antelope, zebras and giraffes. Wolves and mountain lions prey on the deer. When deer are very numerous, their enemies become numerous too, because there is so much to feed upon. Lions and tigers prey on antelope, zebras and giraffes. Wolves and mountain lions prey on the deer. When deer are very numerous, their enemies become numerous too, because there is so much to feed upon.
      Wild animals are found on a prairie, in the polar areas, in the forests and grasslands, and in the desert. In some countries there is a law against hunting wild animals. If someone breaks the law, he will surely be fined or punished.
4.      Which statement is not true according to the text?
a.       Lions and tigers prey on zebras.         c. Wild animals are found on a prairie.
b.      Wolves prey on the antelope.              d. There is law against hunting wild animals.
5.      How many animals do involve in the text?
a.       Five                 b. Six                           c. Seven                       d. Eight
6.      The suitable title for the text is ….
a.          Lions and tigers                                 c. Wild animals
b.      A law against hunting wild animals    d. The places of wild animals
7.      "… he will surely be fined  or punished". The underlined words means….
a.       Be clear                                   c. Very well
b.      Be prisoner                              d. Some of money be paid
III.          Read the text carefully
      I have a new backpack. Its color is soft green. I always bring it whenever I go to school. It is made of strong fabric.
      My backpack has several different part. The first part is pocket where I put my money where I put my money and library card. The second part is the main part . I always put my book and pencil case in it. The third part is a small pocket at the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of plain water in this pocket.

8.      What does the text tell us about?
a.       The backpack’s material
b.      The part of the backpack
c.       The writer ‘s new backpack
d.      The writer ‘s favorite color
9.      How many part does the backpack have?
a.       Two                 b. Three                       c. Four             d. Five
10.  The first paragraph shows……………
a.       Resolution                               c. Description
b.      Orientation                              d. Complication
11.  The aims of the text above is………………..
a.       To inform the reader about The writer ‘s new backpack
b.      To tell the reader about The writer ‘s new backpack
c.       To describe the reader about The writer ‘s new backpack
d.      To entertain the reader about The writer ‘s new backpack
12.  Where does the writer put his bottle of water? In the ……part of the backpack
a.       First                 b. Second                    c. Third                        d. Fourth
13.  Anwar                         : Do you want to go camping?
 Fuad               : Yes, I do
 Anwar            : Don’t forget to bring a  towel and …soap
a.  a plenty of                      b.  some             c.  many                               d.   much
32. Mother                  : Rin, could you help me?
Rini                       : Ok, Mom, what can I do for you?
Mother                  : Well, I need some  baker’s  chocolate.
Rini                       : How much do you need, Mom?
Mother                  : Not too much. Just ….One  bar should be  enough.
                  a.  a  few of               b.    a little         c.  a lot                                d.  a number of
    33. Nina     : How is your family. How many  brothers and sisters do you have?
          Eva      : I have a big family. I have … brothers and sisters in my family.
                         6 brothers and 5 sisters.
         Nina      : Really, it’s quite big family
                        a. a few                         b. much             c. a lot of                    d. a little
34. My mother went to the market yesterday morning. She bought … sugar
      a. many                         b. number of        c. a few                   d. a lot of
35. Retno  : Have you ever come late   to school?
Yono   : No. I always leave my house early … I never  caught in a traffic jam.
a. but                            b. or                           c. and                          d. So
36. Dhea    : Did you come to  Andi’s birthday party?
Anto    : Yes, I did. There were many  people there … it rained heavily.
            a. although                  b. but                           c. because                    d. and
37. Mr. Wirawan   : What time we will start   the journey?
Mrs. Sari          : You must come at six …we’ll leave you.
            a. and                          b. but                           c. or                             d. although
38. X         : Have you visited Jill? She’s  been hospitalized for a week.
Y         : Oh, …Jill.  I hope she’ll be  better soon.
a. sad                           b. poor                         c. Nice                         d. sweet
39. Nuri     : Eko failed in his final  examination.
Nia      : Really! I’m sorry to know  that.  The underlined words express …
a. an apology                                       c. a sympathy             
b. a disagreement                                d. disappointment
40. Guide  : This tiger was delivered a baby last month but it died  a   week later.
Tourist : Oh, ….
a.        I am not sure about it.                  c. I don’t think so.
b.      What a pity                                   d. Don’t say that

II. Answer the following  questions correctly
41. Can you tell the reasons ( at least 2 lines ) why should the students keep clean their school environment?
42. Please mention the kind of materials to make a plate of fried noodle!
            a. …………….
            b. …………….

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